Sleep Apnea Treatment


Snoring is often just an obnoxious noise that disturbs mostly the sleep of others. A simple snore guard custom-fabricated in our office helps to eliminate the problem, allowing you and your partner to sleep in peace.

But snoring could also be a sign of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSAP), a very serious medical condition which deprives your brain and body of oxygen as you sleep. OSA affects over 30 million Americans and can be responsible for a host of medical conditions from high blood pressure, to extreme fatigue, depression, gastro-esophageal reflux, stroke, and more. Only a Sleep Study performed in a qualified lab can confirm this diagnosis. But your dentist is often able to see the early signs and recommend proper follow up and care. If diagnosed, we can even fabricate a non-invasive appliance that repositions the jaw to allow more air into your lungs. This appliance is accepted by the AMA for use in mild to moderate cases of OSA, and can be used alone or in conjunction with a CPAP machine.